Slovak parliament approved the fur farming ban

Today the Slovak National council has approved the fur farming ban. Slovakia will become the 14th European country to ban fur farming. The ban goes into effect in 2021 with phasing-out period for existing farms set until 2025.

17.10.2019 in Bratislava: The Slovak National council has approved the fur farming ban after only 7 months of campaign led by the NGO Humánny pokrok. The nonprofit has published investigation footage from a mink farm in northern Slovakia, which has triggered public outrage. In the outcome, more than 76,000 people signed the petition demanding fur farming ban in Slovakia. The response to the campaign came from MP Eva Antošová (Slovak national party) who submitted the ban proposal in September. Proposal was passed by 107 votes from all political parties and will come into effect in 2021 with a phase-out period for existing farms until 2025. This will affect one mink farm with capacity of 5000 minks and 8 rabbit fur farms currently operating in the country. No other fur farms would be permitted to open after 2021. Slovakia will therefore become the 14th European country to ban fur farming.

The fur farming ban campaign was launched in March with investigation footage showing horrible conditions of minks at a fur farm in northern Slovakia. Animals were packed in small filthy cages, with open untended wounds and showing signs of cannibalism and stereotypic behaviour. The public responded with outrage generating more than 76,000 petition signatures and the campaign became the second largest online petition in the history of Slovakia, with more than 1.4% of population supporting it. It also brought responses from both presidential candidates in the last week before elections during the spring presidential elections campaign, including the support from the current president of Slovakia – Zuzana Čaputová – who will now need to sign the ban in order to conclude the legislation process.

Activists from Humánny pokrok welcome the ban: “It is a big victory for animals and a sign, that Slovak society is progressing and tens of thousands of people are ready to stand up for the animals and their protection. Slovakia has made a big step forward today and we hope that this is the beginning of a new brighter future for animals in our country”, said Martin Smrek from Humánny pokrok.

Slovak public was also strongly against fur farming in the past and polls have shown that 68% of Slovaks disagree with fur farming. However, the politicians were refusing to push the issue forwards until only recently. “Making the protection of animals into a political issue in Slovakia is a good sign and gives us hope, that we will be able to deal with other animal cruelty issues as well” added Frederika Fratričová, also from Humánny pokrok.



Humánny pokrok (Humane progress) is an animal advocacy NGO from Slovakia working on enhancing humanity and sustainability. We are the voice of the animals, we promote sustainable solutions that can nurture the planet. Humánny pokrok was established in order to bring strong voice for the animals in Slovakia, which will be in line with sustainability. The organization is member of global coalition to free hens, Open Wing Alliance, and Fur Free Alliance, international coalition fighting for the end of fur farming.

Investigation footage from the fur farm in Príbovce, Slovakia free for use:


Martin Smrek – campaign coordinator

+421 948 315 807

Mink at the fur farm in Príbovce, Slovakia. PHOTO: Humánny pokrok

Mink at the fur farm in Príbovce, Slovakia. PHOTO: Humánny pokrok


Kapry celé dni nehybne čakajú natlačené jeden na druhom v malej kadi na rušnej ulici, kde nepoznajú nič iné, len strach. Opakovane sa s nimi hrubo manipuluje a domov si odnášate kapra s bolestivými poraneniami po celom tele. V igelitovej taške sa dusí niekoľko desiatok minút. Takýto prevoz je pre kapra stresujúci boj o holý život. Voda vo vani je pre kapra príliš teplá na to, aby v nej vedel pokojne tráviť svoje posledné hodiny. Vo vode je navyše chlór, ktorý mu páli sliznice a žiabre. Kapor v domácich podmienkach často umiera pomaly a v bolestiach. Častou praktikou je utlčenie na smrť.  

Sliepky v klietkovom chove nemôžu robiť nič, čo je pre ne prirodzené a dôležité. Nemôžu sa kúpať v prachu a zbavovať sa tak parazitov, nemôžu si hľadať potravu a skúmať okolie, čím v prírode trávia väčšinu svojho času, a nemôžu si ani len stavať hniezda. Pre vaječný priemysel sú len strojmi na peniaze. Sliepka sa v takýchto podmienkach zakrátko doslova zblázni, čo následne vedie k početným konfliktom a kanibalizmu.

Každoročne trpí a zomiera na kožušinových farmách krutou a barbarskou smrťou 100 miliónov zvierat. Celý svoj život strávia v malej špinavej klietke a umierajú v plynových komorách, a neraz pri sťahovaní kože zaživa. Od kožušín sa však už odvracajú popredné módne značky, a čoraz viac krajín tento barbarský priemysel stavia mimo zákon. Na Slovensku sa nám to už podarilo v roku 2019. Nasledovalo Taliansko, Francúzsko, Estónsko a Írsko. Teraz je čas, aby sme ho zakázali v celej Európskej únii.